Tobe's Realistic Farming is updated for adding terraforming contents! Because of last update, add min fertilty on field, Player should terraform useless terrains.
You can use this contents on Reclaim land slot. If you want to make your useless tile (such as mud or marsh) useful,
You should make Reclaimed basic soil first. (in above image, it called reclaimed mud)
Next, make cultivated gravely soil on this or sand or other ground tiles.
Finally, upgrade terrain what you need.
Each of them has 70%, 100%, 120% of fertility. It is my first time to make terraforming contents, so it may cause some problem. Please tell me. I'll fix that.
Thank you for enjoy my mod :D
If you want to buy some coke. <-- here and give me 1$ !! It help me making mod a lot !!
Tobe's Realistic Farming - Terraforming Update! 11/05/17
Reviewed by Unknown
11월 04, 2017

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