Tobe's Realistic Farming updated!
2017. 11. 03
Change logs
1. Add system that each fields need minimum fertility!
Poor field need at least 70%.Normal field need at least 100%.
Advanced field need at least 120%.
Soon, I'll update about terrains more detaily.:p
![]() |
This is example of update. ^^ |
2. Rebalanced crop's harvest number.
3. Change cost of work amount 20% more about farming things. Such as dig water.
4. Change some minor cost of building.
5. Add by-product on Grain flour. You can get Grain bran.
6. Rebalanced cost of compost and other fertilizers. More harder!
7. Patch for players who play in Ice land. Add way to get liquid by hands.
Finally, I want to say thank you to my dear friend Waterkey and Mehni.
Waterkey gave me 50$ Support.
Mehni help me coding about terrains.
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If you want to buy some coke. <-- here and give me 1$ !! It help me making mod a lot !!
Tobe's Realistic Farming - 11/03/17 Update!
Reviewed by Unknown
11월 03, 2017

1. 이제 밭은 각 종류마다 필요로하는 최소 토지 비옥도가 존재합니다.
답글삭제70%/ 100%/ 120% 씩 기초, 일반, 고급 밭으로 나뉩니다.
2. 작물 수확량 리밸런싱
3. 농사와 관련된 아이템들 작업량 증가
4. 건물 비용 감소
5. 곡식 부산물 추가!! -> 곡물 가루 만들때 생성됨-겨
6. 비료와 퇴비의 재료를 다양화시키고 비용을 재조정함
7. 빙상플레이어들을 위해 스킬 레벨링 조절을 다시함 + 몇몇가지 배려를 숨겨놨음